Selasa, 23 Juni 2015

Experience, Leverage – Key to Business Success

Leverage is an extremely powerful concept. The ability to use it in your personal life and business means the difference between setting you free, and setting you up as a slave to someone or something else. There’s no short-cuts to success, but leverage gives us the best chance at making the most out of our efforts. Learn several ways to use it to your advantage, so you can become a part of the 1%.

Lets start with a definition of leverage from
“The use of a small initial investment, credit, or borrowed funds to gain a very high return in relations to ones investment, to control a much larger investment, or to reduce one’s own liability for any loss.”
Ok, so lets look at some methods that you can use leverage to your advantage.

One of the more well known ways to leverage your money is to invest it. But in what?
The most popular way is through stocks. With this type of investment, you are simply allowing your money to work FOR YOU, rather than you putting in the time or the work yourself. Of course, there is risk in stocks, as there is any any profit making adventure, but through some general knowledge and sound advice, you can start to earn additional income and save for your retirement. Something most people desperately need, especially at this stage of the economic uncertainty. It can also only take a half an hour a day.

A recently popular fad (that is coming to an end, or has come to an end for some) is real estate. In the last 10 years, this investment has grown beyond its limits and made many people some quick money. However, the investment required was often only in the 5-10% range to control a property, and from there you could decide if you wanted to upgrade and flip yourself, or have someone else do it for you (leveraging your time).

Unfortunately, you can only run the housing market to ridiculous prices for so long until it all comes crashing down and the investment is not worth the risk. I believe for many areas across the US, we are in that time. In Canada, there are still pockets of profitable opportunity, but not near what it used to be. That, and it takes a lot of time and energy.

A less popular investment vehicle is commodity trading. With this type of investment, you typically only need to put up a fraction of the money to control the investment, often in the 5-10% range. This is really unfettered capitalism, and not as risky as it has been made out to be. It was simply misunderstood. In commodities, the comfort you do have is that you are investing in the physical product, and no crooked CEO can screw it up for you. People will always need food, currency (fiat or precious metals), and energy. Your ability to grasp this concept, and use options, will control your risk and allow you to participate without worrying about company cronies. You can also do it in a half an hour a day.

The ability to leverage your money and efforts in business is what attracts many people to it, but unfortunately their time is still tied up, leaving them well off with little time to spend their new found wealth.
Operating a franchise system can help with that issue, but as an owner, there’s still plenty of work involved to keep things running at a profitable pace.

One well known, but often misunderstood, business model is that of network marketing. Network marketing allows you to leverage your money (very low start up for traditional business), your efforts (through a team concept), and your time (a true source of residual income). Since it isn’t capital restrictive, and it provides a business system “in a box”, it is very appealing to many looking to start their own home based business quickly. Marketing and desire to learn are the only two factors you require, which is the case for any business.

Once you learn how to tap into nutrition that can drastically change your health, you find that something as simple as a smoothie a day can change your life.

You see, you can leverage your health too by consuming jam packed superfoods into a smoothie or other concoction, thereby getting more vitamins, minerals, elements, and phytonutrients than most people get in a week (some never)! If this doesn’t suit you, supplementing will ensure you get what you need in a simple fashion.

This should not be overlooked, as your wealth is not worth it if you don’t have your health in order on ALL levels (trust me).
To learn more about health products that can help leverage your health, go here.

Use Leverage and Watch Life Change
Some of us are busy working hard, just like our parents did. I have nothing against hard work, but I’m all for working SMARTER not HARDER. Leverage allows you to do that.

Go ahead and leverage this article and start mapping out a way for you to spend more time on the beach, with family, or whatever it is you would like more time to do. All you need to do is pick your method, and work it.
Ahhhhh. Freedom feels good.

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